Do You Need the Treadmill to Lose Weight?

Cardio or strength training? It's one of the hottest debates in the fitness world. Read on to find out the real truth πŸ‘‡


Abs are made in the kitchen

It doesn't matter if you are burning your calories on the treadmill, with weights, or walking up and down 500 flights of stairs all day (please don't do that). The equation to weight loss is simply taking in less calories than you are burning. I know people who have lost massive amounts of weight by simply counting their macros and being more mindful of what they put into their body. Exercise enhances the amount of calories burned in a day which creates a bigger deficit. Once you simplify weight loss and take it off of the unachievable pedestal you have placed it on it will become much more achievable!

Intervals are the best way to burn fat

There absolutely is a time and place for the treadmill (or any cardio machine) during a workout. My question is are you maximizing your fat burn potential during your cardio?

The human body constantly craves balance and whenever we put a stress on the body disturbing that balance (ya know that initial spike of your heart rate and breathlessness during the beginning of a run?) the body works extra hard (aka burns more calories) while trying to bring you back to that state of equilibrium. That is why your heart rate will regulate and you will start breathing easier once you are a couple minutes into your run. Although YOU may be happier that you feel less uncomfortable, your body is actually not working as hard anymore.

So how do you tell your body to get it's rear in gear again? Change up your speed, change up your incline, don't let yourself get comfortable! This way juuust as your body is like "hey girl, we got this" you can be like "nahh guess again"

Next time you're at the gym try out this workout:

Beginner sprint workout
10 rounds of :20 sprints with a :10 rest
Only takes 5 minutes to complete!


A bodyweight circuit will give you the same effect

If you do not like the treadmill you do not have to use it to burn fat!!! Let me repeat- you do not have to use the treadmill to get your cardio in!!!!

If you're anything like me you feel like you want to stab a knife through your eye before committing yourself to "cardio day" and for your eye's sake- you don't have to! Cardio for fat burn is simply getting your heart rate up to about 80% of it's maximum.

Ideal Heart Rate Equation
220 - your age * .80

My favorite way to do "cardio" is to take a lot of my favorite strength training moves- lunges, squats, rows, etc. and do higher repetitions with just body weight and minimal rest. This is a sneaky way to get your cardio in while still doing the exercises you love!

Don't forget your strength exercises!

Yes- it's true that cardio burns a lot of calories, buttttt the more muscle you have on your body the more efficient your body is at burning fat on it's own!

Do you dream of the days you can binge on pizza and beer for a day and not have to worry about paying for it during your next weigh in? Build some muscle onto your body! Plus- once you lose the weight don't you want to find some nice toned muscles under there?

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